Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 for 21: End the R-Word

*I've joined a blogging challenge for the month of October: Blog every day in October in honor of National Down Syndrome Awareness Month (Down syndrome is medically defined as Trisomy 21, and there are 31 days in October, hence the name 31 for 21). My posts will not necessarily be about Down syndrome, but I am writing as a person who 1) loves many people w/Down syndrome and other disabilities and 2) desires for others to be able to see what I see: remarkably unique people with much to offer to the world* 

Today I'm cheating a little bit.  Since I didn't actually interact with anyone with a disability today, I have no personal story to share.  So instead I'm sharing a video.  I browsed through many on this topic, this one is short and to the point and I like it. 

And to it I'll add my own personal plea: Please stop using the words "retard" and "retarded."  Please discourage the use of these words by the people around you.  Please don't call me "politically correct" because I care about this issue.  I understand that MOST people using these words do not do so with cruel intentions.  Usually it is just a word that slips out of your mouth and is directed toward or about people who do not have intellectual disabilities.  You might even say it about yourself.

Just know this: the word has a history, and it is a hurtful one.  And many of the people harmed by this word, past or present, can't speak up to tell you that it hurts, even when it isn't aimed at them.  Many of them CAN speak up and HAVE spoken to this effect.  If you are interested, check out this webpage,  , where you can hear from many individuals and their friends and relatives and can also take the pledge to stop the use of this language in your own life.

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