Monday, October 29, 2012

31 for 21: Good Choices

*I've joined a blogging challenge for the month of October: Blog every day in October in honor of National Down Syndrome Awareness Month (Down syndrome is medically defined as Trisomy 21, and there are 31 days in October, hence the name 31 for 21). My posts will not necessarily be about Down syndrome, but I am writing as a person who 1) loves many people w/Down syndrome and other disabilities and 2) desires for others to be able to see what I see: remarkably unique people with much to offer to the world*

Today, I went in to work a bit wary, based on how last week had gone.  I also went in hopeful that today would be better.  It was.  It was still hard, but much better.  And in some cases, I just had to make choices that would MAKE it better.

1) There was a dog show this afternoon at 12:30.  Really great - a group of trainers and their dogs who do little mini choreographed routines to music.  It took place in our back lawn, to which our senior room's patio faces.  So we got all of our clients out on the patio, even the ones who initially didn't want to.  All my staff were there too.  I COULD have taken that time to leave my clients in the capable hands of the staff on the patio and return inside for some much-needed paperwork time.  But instead, I sat!  I sat with everyone else, and enjoyed watching this feel-good event.  Even better was seeing my clients get to meet and pet the dogs afterward.  My paperwork didn't get tackled, but I got to really enjoy myself for a portion of the day. A good choice.

2)  While changing one of the clients at the end of the day, I was pretty exhausted and feeling a little rushed.  But I decided to joke with him, and it was a good choice.  I asked him if I could take a nap on the changing table, if he would keep it a secret.  He said he would definitely tell.  I told him my boss already went home for the day and that I was pretty sure he didn't have his phone number.  He said he'd write to him, even though he doesn't know how to write, he'd figure it out. I told him that I'd really thought he was on my side, but he definitely isn't.  I then asked if he would also tattle if I took off my shoes, took off my badge, talked on my cell phone, or anything else that might break policy.  He said he would definitely tell on me.  I told him it sounded like I'd better behave, he said that was right.  I laughed, he laughed, it was a good choice.

3) At the very end of the day, all but maybe 6 of the clients had already left for home.  I'd finished essential paperwork but had loads of non-essential paperwork to work on, paperwork that will be essential tomorrow.  I also had a client sitting with his Bible open on his wheelchair tray, looking expectantly toward me.  I chose to read with that client, and it was a good choice.  I read Proverbs 29 to him, and so got to end my day reading truth instead of cramming as much paperwork as I could into the last few minutes.  It was a good choice.

Good choices don't always happen.  I'm glad that today some did.

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